Three Tips To Create A Natural Diet Plan

Is isn't always easy to eat a healthy diet. Everywhere you turn, there is something to tempt you, whether it's the junk food aisle at the grocery store or the fast-food restaurants on every corner. Before you know, it excess calories from this so-called "food" leaves a person overweight and struggling nutritionally. Expensive diet pills or subscribing to a low calorie frozen entree regimen may sound like an easy option, but the best option is a natural diet plan that incorporates eating "clean" food. Clean food is just a return to eating unprocessed whole foods. Here are three ways you can start incorporating clean foods and changing the way you eat.

Eliminate Processed Foods

Eliminate anything that comes in a box, package, can, or bag. Don't even bother going down most of the center aisles at the grocery store. No more boxed meals, sodium-loaded canned soups, frozen dinners, or bags of chips. Of course, there will be some exceptions to this rule, but most of the foods that end up in your cart should be fresh.

Make Sure You Have A Protein, Fat, And Carbohydrate In Every Meal You Eat

In addition to building muscle, proteins also help to keep you feeling full longer. Coffee and toast is not enough fuel to begin your day, and you'll be more prone to snacking. Make sure every meal, including breakfast, includes a quality protein, like yogurt, peanut butter, eggs, fish, or meat. When you're trying to lose weight, it may seem counterintuitive to keep eating fats, but the human body requires healthy fats in order to function properly. Polyunsaturated and unsaturated fats from nuts, fatty fish, avocados, and oils like safflower and olive oil are great sources. Saturated fats are found in meat, dairy products, and some fish. Foods with saturated fats should comprise no more than 10 percent of your daily intake.

Examples of good carbohydrates are fresh vegetables, whole grain breads and pastas, fruits, and beans, which, when paired with brown rice, are also a complete protein.

Eat Several Small Meals

In addition to your three traditional meals each day, have two or three smaller healthy snacks throughout the day. Nuts, fruits, and raw vegetables are perfect. This will help keep you from overeating at regular meal times.

In addition to incorporating these changes, get up and get moving. Even if you don't feel you are ready for an official exercise program, adjust your level of daily physical activity each day while you are learning to eat better.

