When you watch weightlifting competitions, you'll notice that most entrants are wearing weight belts. This isn't simply a style choice—weight belts can help lifters squat with significantly heavier weights. Competitors looking for an edge will use them on any lift that benefits from tensing the abdominal muscles. Squats are one of these lifts.
What if you're not a competitive lifter? Even if you're not seeking to break any records, using a weight belt when you squat can help protect you from injury.
When you decide to take more control of your health, one of the best things you can d is to start being more active. It can be difficult for you to start being more active on your own. This is especially true if you aren't used to being a very active person. If you want to get in better shape and you aren't sure how to get started, then taking exercise classes is a fantastic way for you to go about things.